Mental Health America of North Dakota (MHAND) is a member of Mental Health Advocacy Network
The following organizations and individuals make up MHAND:
Marsha Hettich Lori Brownshield Christine Hogan Teresa Larsen Russ Larson Randy Ziegler - Bismarck Government
MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY NETWORK — LEGISLATIVE UPDATE The North Dakota Federation of Families is a member of Mental Health Advocacy Network (MHAN). MHAN are a collection of mental health advocacy organizations, ND Protection & Advocacy, and individuals with lived experience. MHAN advocates for a consumer/family driven mental health system of care that provides an array of service choices that are timely, responsive and effective. Our vision is for every North Dakotan to have access to the right service—whether it be preventative, treatment, or recovery; at the right time—when the service is needed; and at the right place—as near his or her home as possible. MHAN's priorities for the legislative session are placing heavy emphasis on improving the children's mental health system in North Dakota. MHAN has realized that while we are not done making improvements to the adult mental health system, the efforts over the last decade have created a solid foundation for further progress. It is now time to expend the same energy in creating a solid foundation for the North Dakota children’s mental health system.
MHAN's priority issues for the legislative session are as follows:
MHAND's Top 10 Priorities:
1. Children’s Mental Health Services 6. Children’s Crisis Stabilization Beds 2. Cross-Disability Waiver & Mental Health 7. Mobile Crisis Teams 3. Family Support Organizations 8. Maintain IMD Exclusion 4. Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics 9. Supported Housing 5. Peer Support 10. New State Hospital